• West Bengal
  • Last Updated

The right kind of guy at the wrong time?

Time’ is something that has been discussed, debated, analyzed, scrutinized, theorized and even explained by so many great authors, philosophers, researchers and everyday human beings throughout the course of history.

Not being the love guru, but the truth is not a lot of people really understand the concept of time and how it plays a major role in the relationship. Not often, you get lucky to meet a person who you feel is genuinely right for you. There’s something inexplicable about the two of you that ignites a spark. You daydream and imagine your future together as a couple. Everything seems to turn out to be fairy-tale but then you realize that your partner has to leave. Whatever may be the instance you feel like it’s a situation that is beyond control.

Things change and turn worst and tend to think that you had the perfect right love and it just comes at the wrong time. Blaming the universe, fate, destiny, and luck. But… you still have control of that situation. Your relationship with him didn’t end because your love failed or you didn’t fight for it or it wasn’t the right time for you to be together. The real truth is you chose to give up. You weren’t victimized by fate, you were devoured by ‘what if’, ‘if not’ or ‘maybe’ terms.

This was your slot, that was your time. If you feel you met the right person at the wrong time then you’re wrong. The right kind are those who stay in your life regardless of time and space.

Remember, it’s all a matter of meeting the right person. It has nothing to do with time, distance and circumstances.

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