• West Bengal
  • Last Updated

Know these Four Reasons for Dissimilar Baby Bump Size

Do you know that baby bump size is determined by a number of factors? Each and every baby is born with unalike weight and height, therefore it is possible to have varied baby bumps. Almost every woman compare their baby bump size with any other women. But you must know that there is no perfect size. It is almost next to impossible to determine the exact shape and size of a person growing inside your womb.

Let us discuss a few factors that can truly affect the bump size of any woman:

  1. If you had a delivery previously, then it is not possible for your muscles to hold the original shape. The bump may look bigger than the first delivery of yours.
  2. Do you know that your height and weight is important to determine your belly size? It is of utmost necessity to know that the uterus of the shorter people would definitely grow outwards and the baby bump will inevitably look larger.
  3. Do you have any idea that the amniotic sac around the baby is needed to protect the baby from any sorts of mechanical injuries? This can also affect the baby bump. The bump is sure to appear larger when the amount of amniotic fluid is more in the sac.

Now that you know the reasons behind variable size and shape of the baby bump, worry less and enjoy the beautiful phase of your motherhood.

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