• West Bengal
  • Last Updated

Husband cheating on you? Know how!

Are you feeling that your husband has some hushed up stories behind everything? Your sixth sense must be working pretty hard but you cannot just explain the exact feeling. How will you find out if he is cheating on you or not? There are few things that need to be noticed before you jump to conclusions. Let us discuss five of them:

  • Deleting call and chat: If you suddenly find your husband clearing the call logs or chat history, you can be sure that something fishy is going on. Keep a track of his call timings.
  • Avoiding social gathering: Is your husband avoiding family get together or night out with you? Then he likes the privacy more than anything else. He will no more be concentrating on friends and relatives.
  • Lack of touch: It is possible that with time the physical intimacy decreases to a greater extent but if it is sudden and he is no more touching you like before then there are complications. If you are showing interest but he is avoiding then ask him the reason and get things sorted out.
  • Different dressing: Suddenly you find him concentrating more on his clothes and get up. Wearing bold colours that he was not used to and coming up with different hair styling can indicate his infidelity towards you also.
  • Extra secretive: These days he is maintaining more privacy. He has changed his mobile password, used single fingerprint and taking mobile phones in bathrooms. These attitudes symbolize that he is deeply involved with something that is not desired.

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