• West Bengal
  • Last Updated

Harmless…yet harmful!!!

Don’t be fooled by their “harmless” nature, these bacteria (vaginal yeast) can bring massive danger when they grow out of control and the result are Itching! burning! white discharge and redness! Lets not to forget they leave a fishy odour.

Lactobacillus bacteria or the ‘Healthy Bacteria’ which keep the vagina’s pH and yeast control in check. The balance can tip down due to uncontrolled diabetes, the rise of estrogenic level due to pregnancy or birth control and many other factors.

In most of the cases, it is unidentified who is the main culprit for such foul odour.  Follow these tips to help prevent future yeast infection-

  1. Keep Your Skin Clean and Dry: Yeast can only multiply to harmful levels when the temperature is right. The best way to stop the yeast from spreading is to keep your skin dry, clean and free from any wounds.
  2. Boost Your Immune System with a Nutrient-Rich Diet and Probiotics: A good diet can boost your immune system and it will help your body to stay in tip-top shape too. The increase in white blood cells will help the immunity system to fight back.
  3. Consider Other Medical or Hormonal Problems: Certain pre-existing medical conditions can increase your vaginal yeast and cause infections because they alter bacterial and chemical balances within your body.

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