• West Bengal
  • Last Updated

Baby Hiccups in Womb?

Counting days and after a long wait, you have finally stepped into the second trimester. Now you are sure to feel the movement, turning and moving of the little bundle of joy. But do you know that babies get hiccups inside the womb too? Interesting right? Yes, the moms can feel the vibe too. The kid is probably inducing laughter, tears inside you.

Hiccups inside the womb signify that the baby is having a proper and healthy growth inside. It is not that hiccups start at a very early stage. After the babies get their central nervous system produced, moms are sure to feel the change. CNS actually equips the babies inside to breathe.

Do you know that the foetal hiccups start during the first trimester only? But at that time they are just tiny blobs and too young to show the activities like hiccups. Moms can feel that these hiccups feel like bumblebee kisses, mild tapping in the inflated belly. Most of the women panic if they feel regular hiccups but it happens almost every day during the second and third trimester. Consult a doctor if you are too nervous and tense about the well-being of your baby.

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