• West Bengal
  • Last Updated

A Strict mom!!! Come and accuse the stars

Well, Every morning you wake up and read that horoscope with great concern. Every one of us, wonder what kind of mom- we-will be when we conceive.

You can read the baby books and come up with the beginning of how cool or fun-loving mother you can or need to be with your kids, but the actual answer to your questions might actually be written in your stars. Some say based on how the plants and stars were aligned on the day when you were born can predict a whole range of personality trails, even including your natural approach to parenting. 

Let’s see what kind of mom you might turn out to be –

  • Aquarius- An open-minded mom who won’t be judgmental about anything.
  • Pisces- These moms are very protective and have a ‘heart of gold’.
  • Aries- They can be over competitive and quite moody.
  • Taurus- Moms of this zodiac are known for their stability and predictability. Not to forget they are stubborn and materialistic.
  • Gemini- Well, they are very cool, youthful and full of energy. You can call them the ‘Progressive’ moms.
  • Cancer- Cancerian moms are best known for their instincts. They are known as the "natural nurturers" and love everything about being a mom.
  • Leo- Leo’s are known for playful nature. These moms are full of energy and always ready to be involved with their kids.
  • Virgo- They are organised and structural to their kids. They are concerned about foods and hygiene.
  • Libra- They known how to balance tasks and still have time for fun.
  • Scorpio- Sorry to say, you’re not just a mom, you’re the master and commander of the family.
  • Sagittarius- You are full of adventure with different ideas and experience. The party girl of the community.
  • Capricorn- You are the rock of the family and you teach how to be a hard-worker and stay together.

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